Megan's Romance Reviews

My reviews haven't stopped merely shifted location to

Location: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

I work at Rosemary's Romance Books in Brisbane and read many books as they come out and quite a few ARC. I give advice to lots of people during the day so I thought I'd share my opinion in the blog. If there are specific books you'd like reviewed let me know and I'll see what I can do. (the opinions I express are my own and are in no way to be considered those of Rosemary)

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Brighids Quest

Brighid's Quest by P.C. Cast

Brighid Dhianna Huntress of Clan MacCallan has been sent to bring her chieftains brother home along with the New Fomorians he is guiding. Determined to dislike the winged race she is surprised to find a village of beautiful happy children who are led by a charming shaman. Not surprising however is the state in which she finds Cuchulainn, he still grieves for his betrothed who the last Famorian killed.

Cuchulainn's soul has shattered and without the missing part he cannot heal from the death of his beloved. Feeling death is his only option he is glad when Brighid tells him what is wrong and offers to help him, afterall you wouldn't want to die with part of your spirit missing.

Brighid cares for Cuchulainn enough to turn to the shaman blood she has been running from since leaving her herd. With this gift can she heal the shattered warrior? For when tragedy strikes the Centaur Plains Brighid will need a strong warrior to stand by her side.

Do not pick up this book without some serious time on your hands it's epic and practically impossible to put down. I lost a fair bit of sleep going, 'I'll just read one more chapter' you reach the end of the book wanting more so here's hoping there's another installment in the series. Only in this world were Celtic and Greek mythology merge could a centaur be the heroine.

Previous book in the series :- Elphame's Choice

Rated :- 10/10
Released:- 1 December 2005
Pages:- 507 Trade


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