Megan's Romance Reviews

My reviews haven't stopped merely shifted location to

Location: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

I work at Rosemary's Romance Books in Brisbane and read many books as they come out and quite a few ARC. I give advice to lots of people during the day so I thought I'd share my opinion in the blog. If there are specific books you'd like reviewed let me know and I'll see what I can do. (the opinions I express are my own and are in no way to be considered those of Rosemary)

Monday, December 05, 2005

Blow me Down

Blow Me Down by Katie MacAlister

Thirty-six year old Amy had a normal boring life trying to control everyone elses lives. Not having much luck with her daughter Tara she agrees to try out the new Virtual Reality game that Tara is Beta testing.

Entree Earless Erika the bold pirate who lives in a brothel fights handsome pirates and works under Captain Bartholomew Portuguese. Unfortunately for Amy the games virtual reality designer has broken away from the company and wants to destroy the games creator and by creating a virus that removes all exits from the game he might just manage it.

captain Corbin finds Amy attractive as soon as he realizes she's a player, even more so when she beats him at swordplay. However how can a relationship form when they are both stuck in this virtual world?

The characters of Corbin and Amy are absolutely lovable in their inability to see the game characters as less then real people. Amy sets up a retirement plan for the girls in the brothel and Corbin creates a blockade so he can provide better working conditions. No in game instant messenger system means that because they are on opposite sides they often have to send pirates as go betweens...Honestly people get a parrot.

A thoroughly exciting read that leaves you laughing and crying and cheering for the good guys right till the end. With a full cast of other very believable characters it's definitely one you'll want to reread for months to come.

Rated :- 9/10
Release date:- November 2005
Pages :- 368 mass bound paperback size

As a bonus to this book folks preordering it from Rosemary's were sent autographed bookplates, keyrings and other promotional goodies...gotta love those goodies.


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